How To Quickly & Easily Get Caught on Filing 
Your Back Taxes & Start Sleeping Like a Baby!

Jack McDonough CPA
Founder - Blackfin IRS Solutions

Do you want to:
  • File old tax returns, quickly, easy and affordably? 
  • Avoid meeting with one of the New 87,000 IRS Agents?
  • Are you ready to stop stressing 24/7 about your un-filed tax returns? 
  • ​Is it time to stop pretending the IRS will never catch up with you?
  • ​Ready to get over your dark thoughts about what the IRS may/will do to you?
  • ​Is it time to stand up and do the right thing & start filing again...but you don't know how?
  • Is it past time​ to start saving for retirement before it's too late? 
  • ​Do you need help with your non-filing habit?

Richard P. Boise, ID

Read This Before Going ANY further:
From Richard P, BoiseIdaho
I owed $5,642,644.17 to the IRS...
"After about months of negotiation with the IRS, Jack called and told me to expect a refund…I fell out of my chair with relief. The weight of the crushing liability came off my shoulders.

I had a very unique case, I was the owner of  business that failed and I lost everything. I was totally depressed and failed to file my tax returns on the IRS filed them for me without any deductions.  I had all the documentation to prove the IRS was wrong but no IRS Agents would listen… until I hired BlackFin.

Jack & his BlackFin Tax Team filed my original returns years after they were due and got the IRS to accept them as filed which reduced the $5,642,644.17 the IRS said I owed to Zero. In Jack's very last meeting with the IRS Agent in charge he asked Jack if there was anything else he could do?

Jack smiled and said Yes, my client got married last year and you took his new spouse's refund and my client & his spouse are entitled to that refund of $14,017.47 plus interest of $1,367.33. The IRS agreed and we had a the check in 8 days and my Federal Tax Lien for $5+ Million was released within 3 weeks. It was unreal!

 I was able to get my life, my spouse, and my career back. BlackFin will be handling all of my Tax Preparation moving forward.

"Best Decision EVER"

I came to BlackFin after not filing tax returns for 10 years. My wife was shocked to find out I hadn't filed  and ultimately filed for divorce. The Blackfin team got my personal and small law practice tax returns all caught and then helped me qualify fo a deal with the IRS. Now I owe nothing to the IRS and can finally move on with my life. - Brandon T.
Let us help you...
"Prepare your back taxes and show you how to pay less taxes in 2024"

You Are Not Alone!                                       Don't Give Up On Yourself                                 Non-Filing Is Not Your Fault!                        

 FACT: People living a stress free life live longer.
WARNING! Taxpayers who want to get to that happy place in life where there is zero stress and no such thing as a sleepless night or worrying about the Tax Man...              must step up file and all of their "required" tax returns.                                 

Eliminate Back Taxes In  
3-Easy Steps 


Blackfin only accepts clients who sincerely want to get caught up on filing back taxes. 
   We know sometimes life gets in the way  and that non-filing is not your fault.

Current Assessment

Before you can start any journey you need to know where you are starting from. You need to find out what the IRS "knows & thinks about you".  The IRS often has many of the records needed to prepare your tax returns. 

Game Plan

100% of all IRS Problems will end!  The choice is who is going to end it.  Either you can take control of it and end it yourself or you can Do Nothing and let the IRS do it.

Is Doing Nothing  
 Really An Option?
"Life is short..don't spend it worrying about taxes "
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